Portorož Youth Health Forum (PYHF) took place in Portorož, Slovenia from 21th to 26th February 2023. The PYHF brought together 63 public health professionals, youth workers, youth leaders, and young people, who are interested in increasing health literacy in the context of NCDs. Participants were representatives of 34 youth organizations from all around the European region.
The four-day event covered multiple opportunities for professional and personal growth of the participants. We held panel discussions and breakout sessions with leading experts in different health fields and training sessions and workshops to hone the most important skills for young organization leaders, project coordinators, advocates and researchers. During the programme there was time and space for networking and stakeholder meet-and-greet with experts from international agencies, government officials, members of academia and representatives from other leading NGOs in the Youth Health sector.

Participants created the Portorož Youth Health Declaration which represents the collective voice of diverse young people committed to improving global youth health and wellbeing, as well as the recognition of youth work in health. The Declaration covers the critical issues facing young people and European Youth (Health) Work agenda. It focuses on health literacy, equity, mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and social media addiction, with actionable solutions developed by youth leaders. You can find the declaration here.
A healthy and enjoyable social programme made this a truly unforgettable event.

The Portorož Youth Health Forum was co-funded by Erasmus +, European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe as part of Annual Work Plan 2023 and WHO Country Office in Slovenia.