YHO is one of the leading organizations that empowers young people to work on Youth Health. We teach, train, connect and financially support youth from different backgrounds to actively participate in prevention programmes, research, policy and leadership on Youth Health.
We believe that true transformation comes by actively involving young people, treating them as essential team-players and connect them with other important stakeholders.
Young people can show great leadership, expertise and integrity and work in a transparent and accountable way.
All people deserve to live a healthy life in a healthy environment.
We welcome geographical, professional and cultural diversity.
Our Work
YHO works towards health and wellbeing of young people, through promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of non-communicable diseases, including mental health and environmental health. It develops and supports evidence-based and effective policies to assure health-promoting environments for young people.
This is achieved through building capacity of youth organizations in the topics of Youth research, Advocacy of effective and comprehensive policies and Behaviour-change strategies that improve young people’s health and wellbeing.
Since its establishment, YHO has hosted several conferences, seminars and other capacity-building events. It has conducted research together with young people that has been used to inform policy-making. YHO has amplified the voices of young people when advocating for health-promoting policies nationally and internationally.
The International Youth Health Organization was officially established in 2011 as the Alcohol Policy Youth Network (APYN) and was connecting youth organizations to work towards the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm.
APYN developed and advocated for effective alcohol policies. After years of successful work on the field of alcohol, members decided in 2018 to rename the network and expand the areas of work to non-communicable diseases, including mental health and environmental health. It joined forces with other formal and informal youth networks around Europe, including the European Tobacco Control Youth Network, Sustainaware and the YU-SEE initiative.
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Environmental Health and Climate Change
Mental Health