2nd Western-Balkans regional conference: Stay active and healthy in digital era
On 22 December 2023, YHO together with partners of the BeWell@Digital Erasmus+ project organized a final conference of the project in Slovenia with the title Stay active and healthy in the digital era. The conference was aimed at promoting the project results, establishing links among youth in WB and EU countries, promotion of the established platform and created non-formal learning approaches. We are thankful to the participants for joining and our partner Institut savremenih tehnologija Crne Gore (IMTM), Epistemoniki etaireia vioiatrikis pliroforikis kai pliroforikis ygeias (GBHIA), Drustvo za borbu protiv side Crne Gore udruzenje (CAZAS), Udruzenje proni centar za omladinski razvoj (PRONI) and Youth Act for great collaboration. The conference was part of the project BeWell@Digital co-funded by European Union.