Protecting Health as a Human Right in the Modern World
16th and the 20th of February
Strasbourg, France
The workshop will consist of several pillars of sessions: mental health 101 (where participants will learn about the symptoms of common mental health disorders amongst youth), fighting stigma (raising awareness on correct terminology, methodology, social media engagement, etc.), and useful tools and methods for youth workers when working with youth that is facing difficulties with their mental health (psychological first aid, suicide prevention simulation, burnout prevention, how to help a person struggling with a specific mental health disorders) and new developments in the field of mental health of youth (emerging disorders, new digital solutions, etc.) The goal of the event is to empower and educate youth workers, and bring mental health interventions closer to them
About the Study session
What are the goals of the study session?
The study session aims to empower youth participants to actively engage in the field of health and human rights.
We outlined the following objectives to achieve the aim:
- To explore the concept of health as a human right and raise awareness amongst young people on how to utilise the human rights-based approach in their work, initiatives and advocacy efforts.
- To learn about the Council of Europe’s work on mental health and mental wellbeing of young people and its relation to access to rights, taking into account the Enter! Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)3 on Access to Social Rights.
- To build the capacity of young people to become leaders and advocates in health and human rights so their needs do not get overlooked when it comes to health and wellbeing.
- To increase understanding of and foster peer-to-peer collaboration in engaging in and creating opportunities for health and human rights.
- To provide a space where they can develop their own ideas for how to serve as multipliers in their own local realities, including but not limited to inclusive and democratic policy-drafting and campaign-creating.
Join YHO and IFMSA in Strasbourg for the Study Session on Protecting Health as a Human Right in the Modern World! With the study session, we wish to empower youth participants to actively engage in the field of health and human rights. With the practical outcomes, they will be able to disseminate gained knowledge in their organisations. Find more information about the event in the Infopack.
The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Participants requiring visa should apply by 3rd of January 2024! Final deadline for applications is the 10th of January 2024.
Each participant is responsible for arranging their travels. EYCS will reimburse your travel costs, but there are some conditions you must fill out to be eligible for reimbursement.
- Check various combinations of travel and keep in mind the cost, travel time and sustainability.
- Always book economy or 2nd class (unless the other option is less expensive, but you will need specific proof and approval in advance).
- Keep your proofs of travel receipts/invoices; take a screenshot of your boarding pass for flights.
- Traveling by taxi or Uber is acceptable only at night (23:00 – 5:00) on arrival or departure day in Strasbourg if there are no suitable public transport connections.
- You are kindly required to keep your costs at the minimum.
The participation fee of 50€ will be deducted from your reimbursement.
On the first day, you will be informed about the specifics of the reimbursement process.
Before booking your travels, check the best option to travel to Strasbourg and send it for confirmation to Book your transport only after receiving confirmation from our side.
Accommodation and Venue
The hosting venue is the European Youth Centre, where also the accommodation and meals will be provided.
The EYCS offers meeting and conference rooms, accommodation and full board for amazing study session experiences.
It will also serve as the venue for this event since the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg is used to implement the youth programme of the Council of Europe.
Learn more about EYCS on their website.
Arrival and departure days are the 15th of February and 21st of February, respectively.
The programme days are between the 16th and the 20th of February.
Please be mindful that the programme might change due to the availability of guest speakers, but the content and the hours will stay the same.
You are expected to participate in the full programme, absence is tolerated only in special circumstances and by informing the team of trainers beforehand.
Each participant will receive a copy of the programme in their welcome package upon arrival.
Your trainers will inform you about the expected code of conduct and safeguarding mechanisms. We wish to make this an amazing and safe experience for everyone. Please also be mindful that all YHO events are sustainable and alcohol-free events.