Youth Health Organization together with 7 partners from countries all over Europe established the Staywell project – innovative web approach for advancing and sustaining VET learners’ mental health and wellbeing. It is a two-year initiative, implemented in the framework of the Erasmus + programme, Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training and sponsored by the European Union. It is targeted at secondary VET: learners; teachers, educators, trainers and professionals; psychologists and leaders; representatives of organisations promoting mental health and wellbeing in secondary VET; public bodies involved in secondary VET.
As part of the project we had a few outputs. Besides the Wellbeing Mapping Frame – a four-pillar framework mapping the factors that affect VET learners’ wellbeing interlined with the skills that need to be developed in order to improve both students’ actual states and achievements (functioning) and the freedom they have (capabilities) to pursue what they value in life – we’ve also developed the STAYWELL PLATFORM, that includes The Wellbeing Skillbox – a web-based instrument designed to evaluate, track and inform VET learners about their level of psychological, cognitive, social and physical wellbeing – and The Digital Wellbeing Lab – an online library containing web-based learning activities in the form of WebQuests to boost mental health and wellbeing of VET learners that aims to develop a challenge-based learning environment fostering cooperative learning through guided discovery.
We are proud to inform you that the Staywell platform is now LIVE and running and in 6 different languages! You can access the platform and more information about the project here.