29.5.2023, Impact Hub Ljubljana
On 29 May 2023, YHO held a meeting of young people working on health topics with Hans Kluge, WHO EURO Regional Director, while he was visiting Slovenia. At the first part of the event, we had Youth consultations and preparations for dialogue with WHO EURO, where we discussed our health system and opportunities where youth can support and accelerate Slovenia’s efforts to improve the population’s health status and address important health challenges. We brainstormed on advancing youth engagement in the European region and Slovenian national context and improving and contributing towards the health system and primary health care in Slovenia. Dr. Kluge, his delegation and representatives of Slovenian Ministry of Health and National Institute for Public Health all joined us for the second part of the event and we discussed the opportunities and challenges together. We also showcased Slovenian youth organizations’ efforts in youth health and their contributions to nationwide public health.
The event successfully achieved its aim of creating a space for meaningful dialogue between youth and WHO, and it also brought together youth from different fields and backgrounds to work together on improving (youth) health in Slovenia.