Technical meeting of the Member States focal point network for EVID-ACTION

International Youth Health Organization was honored to participate at the annual technical meeting of the Member States focal point network for the WHO/EU Evidence into Action Alcohol Project (EVID-ACTION), which was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 9–10 October 2023, as it marked a significant step in advancing Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Launched in December 2022 […]
Youth School of Advocacy and Health Policy on Nutrition and Food Systems

4th – 8th June 2023 London, United Kingdom The International Youth Health Organization as a part of the Yearly Work Plan funded by the European Youth Foundation organized the Youth School of Advocacy and Health Policy on Nutrition and Food Systems 2023. It was a 4 – day intensive educational event that brought together young […]
BeWell Transnational meeting in Montenegro

Date: 31.5.2023 Location: Podgorica, Montenegro The Youth Health Organization Secretariat attended an Erasmus+ transnational meeting for the BeWell@Digital Project in Podgorica, Montenegro. The project BeWell@Digital is aimed at empowering mental health and wellbeing of youth in digital working and learning environment through promoting capacity of the participating organizations, promote non-formal learning activities and contribute to […]
BeWell Conference in Montenegro

Date: 30. 5. 2023 Location: Podgorica, Montenegro YHO together with partners of the BeWell@Digital Erasmus+ project organized a regional conference in Montenegro with the title Stay active and healthy in the digital era. The conference was aimed at promoting the project results, establishing links among youth in WB and EU countries, overviewing the mental health […]
World Health Assembly

The YHO delegation was present at the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) which took place in Geneva, Switzerland from 21 – 30 May 2023. This WHA was held under the theme “Saving lives, driving health for all,” commemorating the achievements of the past 75 years since the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO). While […]
Our Future, Our Actions: Youth for Health

29.5.2023, Impact Hub Ljubljana On 29 May 2023, YHO held a meeting of young people working on health topics with Hans Kluge, WHO EURO Regional Director, while he was visiting Slovenia. At the first part of the event, we had Youth consultations and preparations for dialogue with WHO EURO, where we discussed our health system […]
The 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health

Madrid, 26th – 28th April 2023 The Youth Health Organization had the opportunity to actively participate in the 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health under the wing of ENSP as repporteurs. ECToH 2023 served as a global platform for collaboration, bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds to discuss the detrimental effects of tobacco use. […]
BeWell@DIGITAL training for youth counselors in Tirana

As part of the BeWell@DIGITAL project, YHO, with IMTM and GBHIA, conducted a three-day in-person training event for future youth mental health counselors. The training event transpired between the 27th and the 29th of March in Tirana, Albania, where we were hosted by our partner organization Youth Act at Barleti University. 28 participants from Montenegro, […]
Portorož Youth Health Forum

Portorož Youth Health Forum (PYHF) took place in Portorož, Slovenia from 21th to 26th February 2023. The PYHF brought together 63 public health professionals, youth workers, youth leaders, and young people, who are interested in increasing health literacy in the context of NCDs. Participants were representatives of 34 youth organizations from all around the European […]
YHO at the 3rd REAPYC

Date of Event: 24th – 29th July 2022
Location of Event: Tullamore, Ireland